Pretoria Institute for Architecture
2021 - Serengeti 395 - Commendation for Architecture

Pretoria Institute for Architecture
2021 - Groot FM Boomhuis - Commendation for Architecture

Pretoria Institute for Architecture
2017 - House Du Plooy - Commendation for Architecture

Pretoria Institute for Architecture
2017 - House Kruger - Commendation for Architecture (Lead Architect - Roald Meyer)

Pretoria Institute for Architecture
2015 - Courtyard House - Peer Award (Lead Architect - Roald Meyer)


South African Home Owner Magazine
Featured project - House Thirion
Hasmita, A. (2021) – Simply Sleek, South African Home Owner, June 2021, p.75 - 77.

South African Home Owner Magazine
Featured project - House Du Plooy
Olivier, H. (2018) - Upside-Down Freshness, South African Home Owner, December 2017 / January 2018, p.116 - 120.

South African Home Owner Magazine
Featured project - House Kruger
Haw, P. (2017) - Living Upside-Down Naturally, South African Home Owner, September 2017, p.56 - 61.

Digest of South African Architecture
Featured project - Courtyard House
Low, I. (2016) Ed. - Courtyard House, Digest of South African Architecture, Vol.21, 2016, p.160 - 161.

Digest of South African Architecture
Featured project - Morvest Headquarters
Low, I. (2013) Ed. - Morvest Headquarters, Digest of South African Architecture, Vol.18, 2013, p.206 - 207.

Floors Magazine
Featured - Anthrop Architects
Van der Merwe, L. (2013) Ed. - Architect’s Preference - Anthrop Architects, Floors in Africa, Vol.31.4 June/July 2013, p.18 - 19.

Building Africa Magazine
Featured project - Morvest Headquarters
Mattheus, C. (2012) - About piling and slabs - Morvest Business Group Head Office, Vol. 12/7 July 2012, p.4 - 7.